Video Trivia

In Video Trivia you can upload videos that ask your questions instead of text. Once the video finishes playing the users will have to answer a question. You can then choose whether the video will continue or a new video will appear!

Video Trivias are great if you want to give out more information than people are used to reading. Plus users will go thorough your entire video while being engaged!

As with all the games you can assign prizes if they answer enough questions correctly!

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What to expect from the 30 minute demo call:

  • You will learn how to easily launch gamification marketing campaings
  • Find solutions for your specific use cases
  • We will cover case studies and success stories similar to your brand
  • Discuss flexible pricing options
  • If possible, we will create your own designed campaign during the call together
  • Make sure you leave with a new found knowledge of gamification marketing innovations
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